What is something thing that, if you did this for yourself on a regular basis, you know your life would improve?
For me it's doing relaxing, self pampering actions. I exercise regularly, eat well, I do a job that I love, but I struggle with nurturing myself physically.
Part of my brain totally thinks those actions are a waste of time and money, and it lists about 20 other tasks I could be doing instead of nurturing myself.
But the loving part of myself, (that quiet voice inside that in consistent and certain) knows when I actually take the time to go and have a massage or got to a spa, my life gets smoother.
My anxieties calm, I sleep better, my monkey mind quietens, and physically I am able to dance with less pain. This then flows into my business and I become more efficient in my business and have the energy for tasks I'm very good at putting off.
So why wouldn't I just book it in every week and know that my life will be only enriched by it. That's the logical answer.
Ahh but I'm a complicated human who apparently likes to make things harder for herself. I have this self worth thing that I'm working on. I'm VERY good at giving, but receiving and I have a bit of hot and cold dynamic!
But what I realised yesterday was how important it can be to have support to help us do the things we know we need to do for ourselves, but we wont.
Two of my beautiful friends and I went to a day spa. It was awesome, I'm in so much less pain than I was the day before and I feel more grounded in me.
Would I have done it without them? NOPE.
They are helping me to show up and do the things I know I need to do for me and it's great.
But what I am currently pondering is how do I move the motivation from outside (them encouraging me) to inside (me doing what nurtures me without question)?
Also note; this can be applied to a personal trainer or going to a class. Where you pay someone and that holds you accountable and it kinda forces you to turn up.
There are a few things at play here:
- Confidence - the more I do it, I'm more confident to push past the doubts that stop me.
- Reflection - Looking at the ripple effect of doing that action short therm and then again after a while of doing it over a longer period.
I think the reflection is probably what I've missed doing regularly in my life. It's fitting I'm writing this during a mercury retrograde, which is the perfect time for reflection and then clearing out old to make way for the new clarity.
The mind is very good at bundling everything together and just dumping them it into one big basket. But when you unpack it you get to see the true impact of it on your life and when there is no clarity, there is no staying power. Taking notes of the benefits of the experience from a variety of perspectives creates a more complete picture that has meaning and depth to it.
The following is an exercise I like to do to get clarity on situations. I list the different areas of my life and then list the benefits and drawbacks in each area. (Today I've focused on the benefits).
- Physical: I feel energised, have less pain, stronger.
- Emotional: I feel more secure within myself, contented and grounded.
- Mental: I feel motivated, calmer, inspired, happier, more present.
- Spiritually: I feel more connected to my divinity, I find meditation easier.
- Financially: I feel trusting - I'm less worried about having money when I need it.
- Vocation: I feel free (not constricted), more motivated in my work and able to find creative solutions
- Family: I am calmer, and don't fly off the handle at my son as often. I'm able to stay in fun mum mode rather than slip into stressed yelling mum mode.
This is a great exercise that you can use to apply to any area of your life you want to review. It doesn't have to be all positive things either.
As I do this exercise I can start to see how this topic is impacting my life.
I can see how it benefits me and when I write the drawbacks I can see how they also impact me.
I focused on the positive today, because I needed to create a base fortitude to keep showing up for myself.
Clarity without emotion is such a relief!
Do I have all the answers?
Lol not even close!
I'm also making my life up as I go along. 🤪
I just know that if I keep supporting myself to listen to my quiet inner loving voice then my life is smoother and happier, and who doesn't want more of that?